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45 results found
  • Do you want to organise an activity that involves temporarily marking out a route in the Walloon forest? As a sports club, school or association, your walk, jog, bike or mountain bike event cannot…
  • If you are experiencing difficulties paying the tax for which you are liable, you may ask the competent recipient for concessions with payment; this is the only party who is authorised to grant a…
  • Are you asked to measure the electromagnetic radiation produced by stationary transmitting antennas? You must be approved by the SPW ARNE (Agriculture, Natural Resources and…
  • Wallonia is responsible for the regulation of driving lessons, for verifying the conditions of access to the profession and for issuing licences when needed. It also verifies the conditions of access…
  • Annual road tax is charged for vehicles that are used to transport passengers or goods by road. The tax is calculated based on engine power, which is expressed as horsepower, the number of engine…
  • Do you operate or own a big game farm in Wallonia? Do you produce big game meat? Do you own a wildlife park open to the public? For live farm livestock belonging to the big game category you must…