Apply for or renew accreditation as a contract farm seed sorter


Are you an agricultural holding or a farmer and would like to carry out contract agricultural seed sorting?

In Wallonia, you need an accreditation to be a contract sorter. This is mandatory.

Contract sorting consists in carrying out on behalf of a farmer the cleaning, sorting and disinfection, if necessary, of seeds from the farmer's holding. This allows the farmer to reuse their own seeds on their own holding.

In Wallonia, it is forbidden to market one's own agricultural seeds to other farmers or a third person.


It is the SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (ARNE in French) and, more specifically, the Direction de la Qualité et du Bien-être Animal (DQBEA) [Directorate of the quality and welfare of animals], that grants this accreditation, which is valid for one year, from 1 July to 30 June.

Our directorate, the DQBEA, also carries out field checks to guarantee seed traceability and compliance with the regulations in force.


As a contract sorter, you must meet certain conditions in to obtain and renew your accreditation. For instance, your installation must be in order. The accreditation is free of charge but is subject to the payment of an annual fee. Find all these details in the ‘conditions’ and ‘procedure’ sections below.

In detail

Target audience – details

You are an agricultural holding or a farmer and you wish to carry out agricultural seed sorting by contract


In order to obtain and maintain the accreditation, contract sorters must comply with a set of conditions.

Find these detailed conditions in Article 4 of the Walloon Government Order of 1 June 2006 on the contractual sorting of seeds of certain agricultural species intended for sowing

Here is a summary of the conditions:

  1. Have an appropriate installation: at least one cleaning and sorting device, a weighing device and, as necessary, a disinfection installation if chemical seed treatment is anticipated at the request of the seed owner. It is also necessary to have a room or cabinet reserved exclusively for the proper preservation of samples
  2. Have a place where batches can be stored separately and clearly identified while sorting is pending
  3. Have an infrastructure to ensure the proper preservation of seeds
  4. Do not use the same installation for the contract sorting and preparation of certain agricultural seeds under the seed trader-preparer accreditation
  5. Pay the fees imposed under the accreditation
  6. Store separately all batches and clearly identify them at the storage location(s)
  7. Complete the accompanying document bearing a unique pre-printed number assigned by the DQBEA at all stages of the contract sorting process
  8. Keep an up-to-date register of the seeds submitted, packaged and returned
  9. Take three samples of at least 500 grams from each batch of sorted seeds. A batch will be delivered to the owner of the seeds
  10. Package the batches immediately after they exit the scavenging or disinfection device
  11. Do not indicate the variety on the labels of the packaged batches
  12. Grant the seed owner or his representative access to the sorting premises during the contract sorting process
  13. Do not mix, exchange seeds from different batches nor add seeds to a batch
  14. Systematically send the DQBEA its annual return (record of sorted batches) for the current season before 15 May of each closing year. Receipt of this statement within the time limit is a condition for the admissibility of the application to extend the accreditation.


As a contract sorter, you are supervised by our services. Any breach of duty detected during inspections shall be liable to criminal prosecution. Your accreditation may be suspended with immediate effect.

We can immediately seize seed batches marketed illegally under the cover of contract seed sorting, and this will be reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.



  1. Fill in the application form for a seed sorting licence
  2. We check your file (installation compliance)
  3. You pay the annual fee
  4. If everything is in order, you receive your accreditation
  5. Your request can be made in French and German
  1. Send the form and attachments:
  • either by email:
  • or by post: Service public de Wallonie (SPW) - Direction de la Qualité et du Bien-Être Animal (DQBEA) - Chaussée de Louvain, 14 - 5000 NAMUR      

2. Once we have received your file, we will respond to you within 30 days

3. We send you the invoice (annual fee to be paid)

4. If everything is in order and you have paid the fee, you are granted an accreditation number for your contract sorting installation.


  • Description of the material
  • Installation plan (only for a fixed installation)
  • Location plan of the installation within the building (only for a fixed installation)


RENEWAL - In stages

  1. Send us your annual return (the record of sorted batches) for the current season by 15 May of each closing year
  2. Fill in the renewal form for contract seed sorting accreditation
  3. You pay the annual fee
  4. If everything is in order, your accreditation is renewed for one year

Send the form and attachments:

  • either by email:
  • or by post: Service public de Wallonie (SPW) - Direction de la Qualité et du Bien-Être Animal (DQBEA) - Chaussée de Louvain, 14 - 5000 NAMUR



Contact the DQBEA if you have any questions about contract sorting
Updated on
Process n° : 4074
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