Declaring your generation of hazardous waste


Are you a manufacturer, a farmer or a painting company? Your professional activities undoubtedly generate hazardous waste.

 In Wallonia, any company that generates hazardous waste in the course of its professional activities must declare its waste generation to the relevant authority every year.

 This declaration does not concern waste professionals, such as collectors or treatment centres. These professionals must submit different declarations.



 Declaring the generation of hazardous waste is mandatory. Submit this declaration every year by 31 March with the Waste Management Infrastructure and Policy Directorate (DIGPD) of SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment (ARNE).

 Your declaration enables us to monitor and trace hazardous waste in Wallonia as well as to obtain statistics on related operations.

 Our mission Implementing and enforcing a waste management policy that protects the environment and human health.



 Consult the list of hazardous waste defined in the waste catalogue (see ‘Useful links’ below).

 Here are a few examples:

  • waste oils: their release into the environment is prohibited as they are highly polluting for natural environments. If you produce less than 500 litres of waste oil per year, you do not need to declare anything
  • PCBs and PCTs: these chemicals are very poorly biodegradable
  • batteries
  • paint waste and solvents

Make your declaration according to the procedure detailed below.


In detail

Target audience – details

You produce hazardous waste in the course of your professional activities. Here are a few examples :

  • industries
  • farmers
  • industrial cleaning companies
  • laboratories
  • painting companies
  • printing works…

! If you are a garage mechanic or a car body repairer, consult the specific procedure for your sector: Declaring waste from garages and body shops



  1. Fill in the (Excel) form available in ‘Forms’ below.
  2. Scan it and send it by email to OR send it to Département du Sol et des Déchets, Direction des Infrastructures de Gestion et de la Politique des Déchets, avenue Prince de Liège 15, 5100 JAMBES.
  3. Follow-up: we will only contact you if there is a problem with your declaration.

Your declaration is free of charge. Failing to submit a declaration is considered to be an offence for which you may be fined.

The declaration may be made in French or German.



In your declaration, complete the following information:

  • your identification details
  • list of your usual waste
  • list of approved collectors you have used
  • list of approved carriers you have used
  • list of approved collection, disposal or recovery centres you have used
  • end-of-waste status list
  • summary list of waste stored
  • estimated generation for the following 2 semesters



Contact the Waste Management Infrastructure and Policy Directorate regarding the waste generation declaration
Updated on
Process n° : 1953
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