To follow an art course in Part-Time Arts Education


Part-Time Arts Education is a non-compulsory, subsidised education aimed at people of all ages. In order to meet the needs of everyone, the majority of courses take place outside the regular school hours.

The aims of this kind of artistic education are as follows:

  • to awaken the joy of art in children and young people in particular and to give them access to art by teaching them various artistic techniques and bringing them closer to different art movements; special attention is paid here to basic training in the amateur art sector;
  • to discover and encourage artistic talents in young people and to provide them with in-depth artistic training so that they can eventually pursue further artistic studies or take up an artistic profession;
  • to contribute to the students' self-development by giving them access to art through learning different artistic techniques and introducing them to different art movements. It also gives the pupils the necessary means and training for free artistic activity so that they can develop their own creative powers.

In order to meet its aims, part-time arts education with a reduced timetable can be provided in the following three areas:

  • music,
  • arts of speech and theatre,
  • dance.

In the German-speaking Community, part-time arts education is provided by the “Musikakademie der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft” (Music Academy), which offers courses in all nine municipalities.

To register, you can contact the Musikakademie directly.

In detail



Musikakademie der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens
Updated on
Process n° : 3269
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