To have your home connected to the gas and/or electricity distribution network


A distribution network operator (DNO) is the company that distributes electricity and gas from the transmission network to the point of consumption (your home).

In Belgium, each region has its own distribution network managers. Wallonia has five different ones. Follow the link to find your DNO based on your municipality of residence: Find your DNO | CWAPE.

There are also several companies that supply gas and/or electricity throughout Wallonia (Antargaz Belgium SA, Bolt Energie SRL, Cociter scrl, DATS 24 SA, Elegant SRL, Eneco Belgium SA, EnergyVision SA, ENGIE – Electrabel SA, Essent Belgium NV, Luminus SA, OCTA+ Energie SA, POWER ONLINE SA (MEGA), TotalEnergies Power & Gas Belgium SA (formerly Lampiris)).

Contact the supplier of your choice to find all the information you need to connect your home to the gas and/or electricity distribution network: Choose your supplier | CWAPE.


You can compare all the offers from electricity and gas suppliers in the Walloon Region at CWaPE - Comparator (

Connection times

The time it takes to have your home connected to the network depends on which supplier you choose. Contact the supplier directly to find out how long it will take.


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Updated on
Process n° : 4152
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