Information about Financing of Wallonia


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 Within the SPW Finances, the Debt Cell is responsible for managing the cash cycle, managing the direct and indirect debt as well as monitoring the guaranteed debt of the Public Administration Units (UAP).

It operates in accordance with the recommendations of the Regional Treasury Council and the decisions taken by the Minister for Budget and Finance of the Walloon Government.

Since the implementation of the treasury centralization of part of the Public Administration Units (UAP) in 2003, the Debt Cell also processes the treasury forecasts submitted by these UAP, to optimize the management of the net cash position of Wallonia resulting from the overall state of the Region and the overall state of those UAP.

Finally, the Debt Cell is responsible for keeping the accounts for the welding loan, concluded as part of the guarantee granted by Wallonia to the loans contracted by the five Walloon public authorities for the administration of school buildings organized by the public authorities (SPABS).

For further information click on the link below : Financing Wallonia - Le financement de la Wallonie



Cellule Gestion de la Dette
Boulevard du Nord, 8
5000 NAMUR


Updated on
Process n° : 2619
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