To obtain accreditation as a training centre for safety advisors for the transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR), inland waterway (ADN) or rail (RID)


As a training organisation, do you want to provide training courses for ADR, ADN or RID safety advisors?

Then you must be certified by the ADR-ADN unit of the SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (SPW ARNE).

In Wallonia, companies and organisations involved in the shipment or transport of dangerous goods must appoint one or more safety advisors, unless they have an exemption. They must be trained for this specific function.



This mandatory certification authorises you to provide one or more initial or refresher ADR, ADN or RID safety advisor training courses.

It is not limited in time.

This certification allows the ADR-ADN unit of the SPW ARNE to ensure that you meet the conditions in order to minimise the risks involved in the transport of dangerous goods by road, waterway or rail.



You can apply for certification as a training organisation for:


  • training for all classes of goods except:
    • 1: explosive materials and articles
    • 2: gases
    • 7: radioactive materials


  • training for goods class 2: gases


  • training for liquid fuels:
    • goods with UN numbers 1202, 1203, 1223, 3475
    • aviation fuel classified as UN 1268 or 1863


These training courses must include:

  • a part common to the different modes of transport and
  • one or more parts specific to road, inland waterway and/or rail transport.



  • Make sure you respect the different obligations (see "Conditions")
  • Consult the detailed step-by-step procedure

Key points

The validity period of the certification is not limited in time.

As soon as your organisation is certified, you are authorised to provide training courses for ADR, ADN or RID safety advisors. Make sure you announce courses to the ADR-ADN unit of the SPW ARNE two weeks in advance. The unit will control these courses.

Contact the FPS Economy (see "Useful links") to obtain certification for class 1 (explosive materials and objects).

In detail

Target audience – details
  • any non-profit organisation
  • any training centre established by a competent authority
  • any educational institute established or approved by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
  • any official professional association
  • any Public Interest Organisation (PIO)





You must be one of the following:

  • a private organisation created as a non-profit association (asbl)
  • a training centre created by a competent authority
  • an educational institute established or approved by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
  • an official professional association
  • any Public Interest Organisation (PIO)


Adequate premises and equipment

You must have adequate infrastructure, including the premises and teaching material necessary to provide the courses for which certification is sought to groups of at least ten people.


Profiles of trainers

The trainer(s) must:

  • hold a valid training certificate covering at least the class(es) of goods and mode(s) of transport on which the training is given
  • have the necessary expertise





You must meet the following conditions after you receive your certification to ensure it is not withdrawn or suspended:

  • accept no more than 30 applicants per cycle
  • provide training for which certification has been obtained exclusively on Belgian territory
  • inform the ADR-ADN unit of the SPW ARNE, at least two weeks in advance, of the date, place and language of the courses
  • keep an annual register which mentions, by order number:
    • the identity of registered candidates
    • the date of registration
    • the dates of the lessons given, with the presence or absence of the candidates mentioned without gaps (a column must also be reserved for any observations)
  • keep this data for at least six years


  1. Gather together the required information
  2. Complete and submit the application form
  3. Schedule an appointment with the ADR-ADN unit for the infrastructure inspection
  4. Obtain your certification within three months



1. Complete and submit the accreditation application form:

  • by email to or
  • by registered mail to SPW ARNE - Department of Environment and Water - ADR-ADN unit - Avenue Prince de Liège n°15, 5100 Jambes

You can apply in French or German.

The various pieces of information to be provided, integrated into the accreditation application form, consist of:

  • the list of teaching locations
  • the list of names and descriptions (qualifications) of the trainers
  • a description of the teaching materials available
  • the training programme(s), specifying the subjects taught. The minimum content of the training programmes can be found in the appendix to the Royal Decree of 5 July 2006.
  • the list of registration fees charged to participants

2. Your request is analysed as soon as we receive it. The ADR-DNA unit will contact you to quickly schedule an interview to inspect your infrastructure.

3. If you meet the requirements, you will be notified of the accreditation within three months of submitting your complete application.

4. A Ministerial Order is published in the Belgian Official Gazette and makes your certification official.



Your certification may be suspended or withdrawn if you fail to comply with the conditions and legislation in force.



You can submit an appeal to the Council of State.

Detailed view




Contact the ADR-ADN unit of the SPW ARNE
Updated on
Process n° : 3799
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