Obtain a certificate of hygiene


The purpose of this certificate is to prove the hygiene status of your establishment.

The FASFC (Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) monitors food safety. The agency issues authorisations to sell or supply food (drinks are also covered) to the final consumer.

As regards the hygiene certificate, this certificate is independent of the authorisation issued by the FASFC.

Public spaces, such as places where customers eat, will be examined by the [HORECA] catering coordinator in your region, who then issues a hygiene certificate. You must present this certificate before opening or reopening your establishment.

In detail


The municipalities are responsible for issuing hygiene certificates. For your application, you should contact the municipality for your establishment. Requirements sometimes differ from one municipality to another.


Whether or not compensation is paid for the inspection carried out by the fire service or the police will also depend on the municipality.

The available payment methods may differ depending on the municipality and may include cash, card, bank transfer, or electronic payment if the municipality has an e-counter.


The application must be submitted before opening your establishment. The deadline varies from one municipality to another. Contact the municipality concerned to find out the exact details.



Your municipality (only available in French)

Personnes de contact

Updated on
Process n° : 4159
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