Obtain your residence card


The electronic card is a residence permit attesting to the legality of your stay in Belgium and is valid in Belgium and at the borders. It must always be accompanied by an identity document and/or a national passport or travel document.

You must apply to the municipality in which you live and follow the procedure below in order to obtain your card.

In detail


First application

For all first-time applications, you must go in person to the Aliens Department of your municipal authority with your national identity document (identity card and/or passport) and two passport-size photographs.


All applications for renewal must be submitted between the 30th and 45th day before the expiry date of the current residence permit.


As soon as you have received the PIN and PUK codes sent to your home address by the Federal Public Service of the Interior, you can take them along with the residence document you hold to the department at which your residence permit was ordered.


  • normal procedure: between EUR 20 and EUR 30, depending on your municipality;
  • urgent procedure: between around EUR 100 and EUR 150, depending on your municipality.


  • normal procedure: approximately 3 weeks from the date of the application;
  • urgent application: if you apply before 15.00, the document can be collected from your municipality after 1 working day as from 14.00.



Your municipality (only available in French)
Your municipality (only available in French)

Personnes de contact

Updated on
Process n° : 4149
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