Obtaining an equivalency of a college or university diploma


You have the possibility to apply for an equivalence of your foreign diploma in the German-speaking Community in order to study or work in the German-speaking Community.

Studying in the in the German-speaking Community:

  • If you wish to start higher education at the Autonome Hochschule Ostbelgien and you hold a foreign upper secondary school diploma (e.g. German Abitur), you will need to apply for an equivalence at the Ministry of the German-speaking Community.
  • If you have started higher education abroad and are interested in pursuing higher education in the German-speaking Community, you can contact the Autonome Hochschule Ostbelgien directly to apply for admission: www.ahs-ostbelgien.be


Working in the German-speaking Community:

  • If you wish to work in the private sector, recognition is usually not necessary but may be required by your future employer or may be necessary to become self-employed.
  • If you wish to work in the public sector or in a state-subsidised institution, you should apply for the equivalence of your diploma.
  • If you wish to practise a regulated profession, you should apply for professional recognition of your diplomas on the basis of European Directive 2005/36/EC. You are therefore invited to contact the body responsible for access to the profession concerned.

The German-speaking Community is responsible for the recognition of the teaching professions (Department of Education and Training) and the health and care professions (Department of Health and Senior Citizens).

In detail



Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft - Diplomgleichstellung
087/596 300
Updated on
Process n° : 3272
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