Obtaining an equivalency of secondary school certificate to go to school, study, or work in the German-speaking Community


You can apply for an equivalency of your foreign secondary school certificate in the German-speaking Community in order to study, work or continue your school education in the German-speaking Community.

An equivalence is a document that determines the level of secondary education you have completed abroad. An equivalence is issued on the basis of school documents.

If you wish to continue your secondary education in the German-speaking Community, you can contact the secondary school of your choice directly. The school will apply for an equivalence of your foreign diploma on your behalf at the Ministry of the German-speaking Community.

If you would like to start higher education at the Autonome Hochschule Ostbelgien and hold a foreign secondary school leaving certificate, you must submit an application for diploma equivalence to the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. The Autonome Hochschule Ostbelgien then decides on admission.

The Ministry of the German-speaking Community is also responsible for the recognition of secondary school certificates for professional purposes.

In detail



Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft - Diplomgleichstellung
087/596 300
Updated on
Process n° : 3270
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