Obtaining professional accreditation as an undertaker


Any small or medium-sized enterprise with its registered office in the Walloon Region that wishes to carry out the regulated activity of undertaking must prove that it has the professional competence to carry out this activity at an Enterprise Counter.

Professional competence in undertaking must be provided by a person within the SME.

Professional competence in undertaking can be proven by means of a diploma, professional experience or a certificate from the Central Examinations Board.

In detail

Target audience – details

Access to the profession of funeral director is open to persons who wish to bring the professional competence of funeral director to a small or medium-sized enterprise engaged in this regulated activity.

The SMEs concerned may be constituted as natural persons or legal persons.


Professional competence as an undertaker can be proven:

  • by a vocational training qualification (apprenticeship or business owner);
  • by professional experience of 2 years (full time) or 3 years (part time) in the last 15 years;
  • or by a certificate from the Central Examinations Board.

If professional accreditation as an undertaker is obtained, the small or medium-sized enterprise may carry out the regulated activity of undertaking (subject to further administrative formalities).


To obtain professional accreditation as an undertaker, the small or medium-sized enterprise must prove that it has professional competence as an undertaker at an Enterprise Counter.


If accreditation is refused, the applicant may lodge an appeal with the Conseil d’Etablissement – Place de la Wallonie 1, 5100 Jambes – within 30 days of the Enterprise Counter’s refusal decision becoming known to the applicant.

If the Education Board confirms the Enterprise Counter’s refusal decision, the applicant may lodge an appeal with the Council of State within 60 days of the Education Board’s refusal decision becoming known to the applicant.


Updated on
Process n° : 3286
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