Register a health care profession


Owner of a Belgian apprenticeship certificate as a care assistant can apply for registration of their health care diploma. The health profession of care assistant may only be practised in Belgium if the owner of the health care diploma is registered in Belgium.

In detail

Target audience – details

Owner of a Belgian apprenticeship certificate as a care assistant


Have a care assistant diploma and proof(s) of a total of 150 hours of practical training alongside the patient, mainly in the care of senior citizens.


1) Submitting the application: Complete the application form in German and submit it to the Ministry of the German-speaking Community together with the documents listed on page 2. If the documents to be submitted are not in German, they must be translated into German by an official translator. Exceptions are French-speaking applicants who are resident in the German-speaking Community.

2) Acknowledgement of receipt: Within one month of the submission of the application, the Ministry will send you a written acknowledgement of receipt stating whether the application is complete or whether documents/information are still missing. Only when the application is complete the file will be processed.

3) Preparation of an expert opinion: The processing time is up to four months from the completeness of the application.

4) Appeal: Once the procedure has been completed and the Minister has made a decision, you have the possibility to lodge a complaint by the Ombudswoman. The complaint must be submitted without any formalities and has a suspensive effect on the time limit for bringing an action (60 days) before the Council of State.

5) Action for annulment: You can also file an action for annulment with the Council of State against legal acts of the administrative authority. The signed complaint must be received by the Registry of the Council of State by registered letter or online within a period of 60 days after notification of the decision.



Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft - Fachbereich Gesundheit und Senioren
Gospertstraße 1
4700 Eupen
087/596 300
Updated on
Process n° : 3253
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