Register oneself on the electoral register for local and/or European elections


Each time an election is held, the Walloon Region updates its election website, where you can find all the information you need on the subject.

There are several categories of voters:

  • Belgians in Belgium

Belgians (18+) who are registered in the population registers of a Belgian municipality do not have to register for the elections. They are automatically entered on the electoral roll for all elections.

Belgians aged between 16 and 18 are also on the electoral roll and vote only for the election of the European Parliament. Voting is compulsory.

  • Belgians living abroad

Belgians living abroad and registered in the consular population registers must enrol at the consular post in order to be able to take part in the elections of the Chamber of Representatives and the European Parliament.  Belgians aged between 16 and 18 who reside abroad and are registered in the consular registers of the population must register in the career consular post in order to be able to participate in the European elections.

  • European citizens living in Belgium

Citizens of a Member State of the EU who are entered in the population registers of a Belgian municipality can register on the electoral roll for the European elections.
Europeans living in Belgium and who are registered in the population registers of a Belgian municipality can also stand as candidates in municipal elections. Once registered, voting is compulsory 

  • European citizens living in Belgium

Non-Europeans living in Belgium can take part in municipal elections. To register as a voter, you must:

  • have established your main residence in Belgium, on the basis of a legal residence permit, continuously for the 5 years preceding the submission of the application;
  • declare that you undertake to respect the Constitution, the laws of the Belgian people and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

 Once registered, voting is compulsory for municipal elections in Wallonia.

In detail



Registration as a voter can be done via an online application. Persons who can register via the application:

  • European citizens aged 16 and over who wish to register for the European Parliament elections (possible from the age of 14);
  • European and non-European citizens from the age of 18 who wish to register for municipal elections.

At your municipal authority:

  • European voters living in Belgium:

by completing this form and sending it to the administration of the municipality in which you live or by presenting it in person to the municipal authority of your place of residence.

  • Non-European voters living in Belgium:

by completing this form and sending it to the administration of the municipality in which you live or by presenting it in person to the municipal authority of your place of residence.


Registration as a voter is free of charge.


For the European elections, European citizens must submit their application by 31 March 2024 at the latest for the election to be held on 9 June 2024.

For municipal elections, applications from European and non-European citizens must be submitted by 31 July 2024 at the latest.



Your municipality (only available in French)

Personnes de contact

Updated on
Process n° : 2919
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