Studying in adult education


Whether it's a mushroom excursion, painting class, language course, forklift driving licence, master craftsman course, dual programme or catching up on school-leaving qualifications, the German-speaking Community offers numerous opportunities for further education, whether for professional or private purposes.

The further education landscape consists of:

- the higher education institution “Autonome Hochschule Ostbelgien”,

- the Centres for initial and continuing training of small and medium-sized enterprises (ZAWM),

- the employment office of the German-speaking Community (Arbeitsamt),

- the adult education institutions,

- the evening schools

- as well as numerous other institutions in the socio-cultural, sports and health sectors.


Anyone who needs support in finding the right adult education course can contact the continuing education advisory service (“Weiterbildungsberatung”) at the Ministry of the German-speaking Community.

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Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft - Weiterbildung
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Process n° : 3268
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