Walloon investment plan (2019–2024)

plan wallon d'investissement

Through the Walloon investment plan, the government, in collaboration with the private sector and local authorities, has set itself an objective: to increase the level of investment spending by five billion euros between 2019 and 2024.

The WIP has 31 projects, which are divided into 10 themes:

  • Mobility
  • Regional development
  • Energy
  • Research-innovation and digital technology
  • Agriculture
  • Public services
  • Personal services
  • Tourism and heritage
  • Local investment
  • Accommodation

This aligns with the objectives of the National Strategic Investment Pact (NSIP) and, like the pact, focuses on strategic sectors, with a view to supporting economic growth, employment and social protection.

Click here to view the text of the WIP (in French)

Click here to view the list of 31 projects (in French)