Apply for approval as a manager responsible for the grouping, pre-treatment, disposal or recovery of hazardous waste


Explosive, irritating or toxic products... Some types of waste are considered hazardous to the environment or humans because of their characteristics. Implementing and enforcing waste management methods that protect the environment and human health are part of our mission.

Having an approved manager on your farm is a requirement

In Wallonia, the grouping, pre-treatment, disposal or recovery of hazardous waste within an authorised operation must be under the authority of a responsible person approved by the administration.

This approval is issued by the SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (SPW ARNE), and in particular the Soil and Waste Department (DSD).

What are the manager's missions?

  •  To enforce the legal and regulatory provisions
  •  To enforce environmental permit conditions imposed on the operator
  • To order and supervise the execution of any measure necessary to guarantee human health and environmental protection

For what types of operation?

  • Waste grouping: the waste is temporarily immobilised on an authorised site. Waste of different origins can be mixed if compatible in nature
  • Pre-treatment of waste: the characteristics of the waste are modified. The objective? To reduce the volume or hazardousness of waste, facilitate its handling, promote its recovery or allow disposal
  • Waste recovery: waste materials are substituted for other materials or are prepared to serve a useful purpose. For example, using them as fuel
  • Waste disposal: e.g. by incineration or deposit in a technical landfill site

What is hazardous waste?

Find the list of hazardous waste defined in the waste catalogue (see "Useful links" below).

Apply for approval for your manager

Approval is free. It generally lasts for five years. Follow the procedure below and complete the online form in order to

  •  submit an application
  •  renew an existing approval
  • update the data for an approval
  • apply for an extension to another site
  • request a transfer of approval from an approved responsible person to another person

In detail

Target audience – details

The operator of an authorised facility for the grouping, pre-treatment, disposal or recovery of hazardous waste in Wallonia

  • Have sufficient training in hazardous waste and, unless exempted, have a university or university-level education in a scientific field
  • Be employed on a full-time contract by the operator of the facility
  • Not be convicted of an environmental offence

You can apply for approval using the online form on "My Space" (see "Online form" section below). This approval is free. The application can be made in French or German.

  • a copy of the responsible candidate's diploma
  • a CV
  • a note on hazardous waste experience
  • an extract of the police records



  • Your application: complete the online form (see "Online form" section below) and attach all relevant documents
  • Within 30 days of receiving your application, the Walloon administration checks whether the application submitted contains the necessary information and documents.
    • If the application is incomplete: the administration indicates any additional documents or information required. 
    • Once the application is complete: the administration approves the applicant and notifies them of its decision on the admissibility of the application.
  • The decision on whether to grant approval is made within six months of the declaration of admissibility.



Apart from any legal proceedings, failure to comply with the obligations linked to the approval will result in the withdrawal of your approval.


An appeal may be lodged with the Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium.



Contact the Waste Management Infrastructure and Policy Directorate
Updated on
Process n° : 3144
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