Becoming a farmer and starting your farming business in Walloon Region : where do you start?


Do you want to become a farmer and start your own farm?

Is taking over the family farm your professional goal?

Do you dream of growing your own organic vegetables and selling your produce?

Do you need to feel useful and have decided to retrain? Why not start your own farm?


Where do you start?

The path to becoming a farmer is complex. It involves many different steps and processes, some of them lengthy.

The farming profession cannot be improvised and involves administrative, accounting and tax obligations.


The SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (SPW ARNE), and more specifically the external departments of its Organisme payeur de Wallonie (OPW) Department are at your side to help you set up.

Contact them to explain your agricultural project! 

They will guide you through the various steps and procedures to be completed depending on your project.


A life project to think about

To become a farmer, you need to have thought about and created your project.

Before working your land, breeding your animals or being in charge of your farm, you will have to specify your project.

Agricultural activities are very diverse and include:

  • the production of plants, plant products
  • the production of animals, animal products
  • as well as their processing

Think about different aspects during your initial deliberations:

  • your production: what do you want to produce? How?
  • your resources: do you already have land? Do you have livestock? Buildings? Equipment?
  • your budget: what budget should you plan in accordance with your project and its needs?
  • your experience: do you need training?


What are the deadlines and costs?

It all depends on your project and the resources at your disposal.

Buying an existing farm from someone does not involve the same costs and deadlines as taking over the family farm.

Some projects require more infrastructure than others.

As you develop your farm project, you will have more details about your needs. You will analyse them in accordance with the resources you already have and those you will have later.

Don't go it alone! 

The external department of the Organisme payeur de Wallonie:

  • will guide you in obtaining the information you need for your project
  • will indicate the various people to consult depending on your project
  • will plan with you the steps to be taken, once your agricultural project is well thought out and defined, and
  • will support you in the steps for launching your project (see "Procedure")

Contact the OPW external department based on the postcode where your agricultural project will be!

Key points

Do you need training in agriculture to become a farmer?

You don't necessarily have to be trained in agriculture to become a farmer.

The status of farmer does not exist in Wallonia. There is no regulated access to the profession.

Of course, vocational training in agriculture is a valuable asset. It is also one of the conditions for accessing various forms of aid.

In detail

Target audience – details

Any natural or legal person or group of natural or legal persons who wants to perform an agricultural activity in Wallonia, such as:

  • the production of plants, plant products
  • the production of animals, animal products
  • as well as their processing

Anyone wanting to become:

  • a farmer
  • a market gardener
  • an agricultural producer
  • a breeder
  • a grower
  • a horticulturist
  • a bee-keeper
  • a fish farmer

As a farmer or young farmer, you can receive various aids (financial, infrastructure, etc.).


"A la carte" steps and procedures depending on your project

Don't go it alone on this journey to becoming a farmer!

Move forward, step by step, with the external department of the OPW.

Depending on your project and your needs, the steps and processes will be planned differently, if at all.

Think about your project

  1. Start thinking about your agricultural project:
    • What do you want to produce? How?
    • Do you already have land? Do you have livestock? Buildings? Equipment?
    • What budget should you plan in accordance with your project and its needs?
    • Do you need training?
    • What are the deadlines and the different steps to be taken depending on your project?
  2. Identify the external department to which your farm belongs according to your postcode (see "Useful links")
  3. Contact external department and explain your project

Get help from the OPW external department

To gather all the necessary information to start your agricultural project, the External Department of the OPW will guide you towards the different stakeholders in the Walloon agricultural world, such as:

  • specialised professional associations: unions, accountants, consultants, etc.
  • social secretariats
  • the municipalities: for the necessary authorisations and permits
  • ARSIA (regional animal health and identification association): for a herd number
  • FASFC: for the approval of operators working in the food chain in Belgium
  • enterprise counters: for your registration at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises
  • the OPW Department of the SPW ARNE: to request a partner number and for installation and investment aid
  • your notary
  • your banker
  • your insurer

It will then support you, step by step, in the different stages of your setting-up process.



Contact the external department of Malmédy
Avenue des Alliés, 13
4960 - Malmédy
Contact the external department of Thuin
Rue du Moustier, 13
6530 - Thuin
Contact the external department of Wavre
Avenue Pasteur, 4
1300- Wavre
Contact the external department of Ath
Chemin du Vieux Ath, 2c
7800 - Ath
Contact the external department of Ciney
Rue Edouard Dinot, 30
5590- Ciney
Contact the external department of Huy
Chaussée de Liège, 39, 1er étage
4500 - Huy
Contact the external department of Libramont
Rue des Genêts, 2, 1er étage
6800 - Libramont
Updated on
Process n° : 3695
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