To follow a vocational training


Dual vocational training is highly valued in the German-speaking Community. An apprenticeship takes place in parallel in a company, where the practical training part is taught, and in a vocational school (Centre for initial and continuing training of small and medium-sized enterprises – ZAWM). Usually, an apprenticeship lasts three years.

Depending on the economic situation, in recent years on average 94% of graduates found a job within six weeks of completing their apprenticeship.

Master craftsman training is aimed at professionals who want to acquire a high-quality qualification in their trade, run a business, or start their own business.

In addition to apprenticeship and master craftsman training, ZAWM also offers dual Bachelor's degree programmes and further training.

The Institute for initial and continuing training in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (IAWM) supervises and finances the ZAWM.

In detail



Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft - Fachbereich Ausbildung und Unterrichtsorganisation
Gospertstraße 1
4700 Eupen
087/596 300
Updated on
Process n° : 3265
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