Obtaining access to the ground-handling market at Walloon airports


An economic operator wishing to carry out one of more of the 11 categories and/or subcategories of ground-handling activities at one or both airports in the Walloon Region must be accredited to do so. The service categories relate to airside activities, such as aircraft maintenance, interior and exterior cleaning, catering and administrative assistance.

Access to airport areas is restricted to persons authorised by a badge, which may be obtained after receiving accreditation.

In detail


The conditions for being granted accreditation relate to finances, insurance, experience and others (ONSS [social security] certificate + 3 sworn statements).


An application form for ground-handling accreditation (assistance en escale, AE) must be duly completed, dated and signed by a person authorised to bind the company, and must be accompanied by all the necessary documents showing that the conditions for accreditation are met.


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Process n° : 3921
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