Register for the theory exam - exceptional load escort


The exam

During the exam, you will have 90 minutes to answer 40 multiple choice questions.

You must obtain a score of 60% (24 correct answers).

All devices that allow you to search, retrieve or communicate information (mobile phone, smartwatch, etc.) must be left at the entrance. If you are still in possession of such items in the examination room after the exam has begun, this will be considered attempted fraud. You will be considered as having failed the exam and will be excluded from taking further exams for a period of one year from the date of the exam.

Upcoming exam dates

  • 22 october 2024
  • 05 november 2024
  • 10 december 2024

All exams takes place in the Cap Nord building (Boulevard du Nord 8, 5000 Namur)

Participants are expected to arrive at 10.00 am and the exam ends at 12.00 pm.

In detail


More information

The examination fee is €76.

If you pass the exam, you will be able to apply for certification as a Type 1 escort.

Useful links



Service "autorisations transport exceptionnel" pour la Wallonie
Boulevard du Nord, 8
5000 NAMUR
Updated on
Process n° : 3986
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