Property tax

Property tax is a regional tax on built properties (houses, garages, factories, etc.), non-built properties (land, forests, meadows, etc.) and equipment and tools. It is calculated on the basis of the indexed cadastral revenue. 

It must be paid on a yearly basis, by the owner of the proprietary rights for the property, on 1 January of the tax year. 

In the Walloon region, property tax is fixed at 1.25% of the indexed cadastral revenue. Additional percentages established by the municipalities and provinces are added to this.

The amount of the additional percentages required may vary each year, depending on the municipality or province where the property is located, because they are established annually by the municipal and provincial councils.

Property tax represents an annual revenue of 1.5 billion euros per year, which is mainly paid to the provinces (38.5%) and municipalities (59%). 

Property tax is scheduled to be transferred to SPW Tax on 1 january 2021 La reprise effective du précompte immobilier par le SPW Fiscalité est fixée au 1er janvier 2021.

All SPW Tax services are actively preparing for this transfer: developing IT tools, training agents, overhauling the organisational flow chart, welcoming agents that have been transferred from SPF Finance, internal and external communications, etc.
The aim is to ensure a smooth transfer and offer a quality service to taxpayers. 

photo illustrative PRI