749 result(s)
  • Page de base
    The tax on games and gambling applies to all types of games and gambling, that is, transactions where participants bet a sum of money, at the risk of losing it, in a hopes of…
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    Since 1 April 2016, the Eurovignette system has been replaced by the mileage tax, which is applicable across Belgium. The mileage tax is a per-kilometre fee for all vehicles with…
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    Tax on non-household waste aims to reduce waste production and encourage the use of processing methods that are better for the environment, by introducing tax incentives with…
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    The tax on sites for which economic activity has been abandoned aims to tackle sites that constitute visual pollution. Its aim is to help eradicate industrial wastelands or others…
  • Plan wallon
    The Walloon Recovery Plan was presented by the Walloon Government in May 2021. It has been adapted to take account of the challenges of reconstruction following the dramatic floods of July 2021. In March 2022, priority actions were also defined in partnership with representatives of trade unions, employers and the environment.
  • Plan wallon
    Two billion euros have been dedicated to the necessary maintenance of the regional road network (including bridges and tunnels) and the increase of infrastructure for soft and collective mobility for citizens.