749 result(s)
  • Acteur et institution
    Since 1993, Belgium has been a federal state. The sixth state reform confers authority to the federal state in numerous fields, such as foreign affairs, national defence, justice, finance, social security, and a large share of public health and domestic affairs. The federal authorities comprise a Government, a Parliament, federal public services (SPF) and public-planning services (SPP).
  • Acteur et institution
    The remits of the European Union (EU) are defined in the European treaties. They comprise exclusive remits (customs union, establishing rules regarding competition, monetary policy, etc.), shared remits (internal market, social policy, agriculture and fishing, etc.), supporting remits (industry, culture, tourism, etc.) and specific remits.
  • Acteur et institution
    The Parliament of Wallonia comprises 75 members of parliament, who are elected by the Walloon population every five years by universal suffrage, in accordance with the…
  • Plan wallon
    The Third Walloon Sustainable Development Strategy (SWDD), entitled "Together Towards the Sustainable Development Goals!" was adopted by the Walloon Government on 22 September 2022. It commits all regional Ministers to accelerating the implementation of the global sustainable development programme by 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Wallonia.
  • Plan wallon
    The Regional policy declaration has a three-pronged goal – social, economic and environmental – which the Walloon government has undertaken to fulfil throughout the 2019–2024 parliamentary term. This plans to drastically reduce poverty and offer each Walloon citizen a decent standard of living; to make Wallonia an exemplary region in terms of fighting climate change; and to establish the region as one of the most relevant industrial-transformation regions in Europe.
  • Plan wallon
    This plan invests five billion euros in various fields of public activity and is based around three main pillars: mobility, energy and innovation-research. In total, 31 projects have been proposed, from help with companies' energy transitions to the deployment of smart meters and the construction of new nurseries. Public-private partnerships provide 2.8 billion euros.