Search a position as a teacher in the German-speaking Community


Here you can find out more about the application procedure in educational system in the German-speaking Community.

Key points

At the same time as applying, it is advisable to submit an application for the equivalence of your foreign diploma to the Ministry of the German-speaking Community.

In detail

Target audience – details

People who would like to work as teachers in the German-speaking Community


Those wishing to be recruited as teachers must fulfil the following requirements:

  • fulfil the nationality requirements;
  • have conduct consistent with the requirements of the office;
  • possess the civil and political rights;
  • have satisfied the militia laws;
  • be the holder of the requisite qualification appropriate to the office to be filled or have put themselves in order through a regularisation procedure for the office in question (this regularisation procedure does not apply in the primary education system). 
  • on taking up his/her duties, provide a medical certificate, issued not more than six months previously, stating that his/her state of health is no danger such as to endanger the health of pupils or students or that of other members of staff;
  • fulfil the language requirements laid down by decree for the office in question;
  • have submitted the application in the form and within the time limit laid down in the call for candidates.

In the event of a shortage of teachers, persons may also be recruited who may not meet the diploma or language requirements for the office in question.


Each school board organises an application procedure in spring to recruit staff members for the coming school year. Below you will find information on the application procedure in the three education networks.

In addition, spontaneous applications can be sent to the school board or head teacher at any time during the school year.

The addresses of the schools can be found on the Education Portal under "Staff Directory" - Educational Institutions.


1. Application procedure in the community education system (GUW)

The GUW includes all schools which are directly sponsored by the German-speaking Community. Candidates for a temporary designation in the GUW are called upon to apply annually between 1 and 20 April by means of an official notice to the GUW schools and a newspaper advertisement. The call contains the conditions to be fulfilled by the candidates as well as the information on the form and deadline of the application. Since spring 2021, the application process has been very straightforward via the applicant platform of the community education system.

In addition, the Teaching Personnel Department of the Ministry will advise you on all service and salary-related issues concerning employment as a teacher in the German-speaking Community.

Contact person:
Ministry of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
Sandra Servais
Gospertstrasse 1
4700 Eupen
Tel.: +32 (0)87 789 656


2. Application procedure in the Free Subsidised Teaching System (FSU)

The FSU includes all schools that are under the sponsorship of the VoG Episcopal Schools in the German-speaking Community (BSDG).

Interested parties submit their application to the SKU (Secretariat of Catholic Education) by means of an application form. The application form is available from the SKU on simple request.  The SKU accepts applications on behalf of the sponsoring institution and is the contact for further information.

Contact person:
Catholic Education Secretariat
Cécile Piel
Tel.: +32 (0)87 59 46 70


3. Application procedure in the Official Subsidised Education System (OSU)

All parish primary schools in the German-speaking Community belong to the OSU.

Each community organises its own application procedure for its schools. Interested parties submit their application to the respective municipality. Further information can be obtained from the school offices of the municipalities as well as from the Coordination Office for Official Subsidised Education.

Contact person:
OSU Coordination
Sandra Meessen
GSM: +32 (0)472 954 809



Personnes de contact

Weynand Aline
087/596 300
Updated on
Process n° : 3217
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