Financial Instruments

The regional debt management policy aims to minimize the cost of borrowing and to manage the outstanding debt in a secure manner.

Wallonia pursues an objective of diversifying its investor base by essentially using the following financial products:

  • Contract Cashier and its credit line;
  • Loans made under domestic MTN programmes;
  • Private placements made under EMTN programme, including issues in benchmark size, either conventional or green, social and / or sustainability types of bonds.
  • Private placements Schuldschein type.

The table below summarizes the size of the various financing programmes of Wallonia as of June 30th, 2021.

Financial products Banks Amounts (€ million)
Credit line of the cashier Belfius Bank 3 250.00
MTN programme Belfius Bank 2 500.00
MTN programme BNP Paribas Fortis 1 250.00
EMTN programme

BNP Paribas Fortis & ING

20 000.00
  Total (nominal value) 27 000.00