Green, Social & Sustainable Bonds

On April 25th, 2019, the Walloon Region issued an inaugural sustainable bond to finance its eligible expenses in the social and environmental fields. This inaugural issue raised an amount of EUR 1 000 million at very attractive financial conditions and was composed with one tranche of EUR 500 million with a 7-year maturity (2026) and one tranche of EUR 500 million with a 15-year maturity (2034).

On April 1st, 2020, the Walloon Region issued a second sustainable bond, which raised an amount of EUR 500 million with a 10-year maturity (2030). In addition to this transaction, the Region also increased the size of its 2034 bond by EUR 200 million, reaching a total of EUR 700 million on this maturity.

On May 28th, 2020, the Walloon Region issued an inaugural social bond, reaching an amount of EUR 1 000 million with a 20-year maturity (2040). With this issue, Wallonia anounced its intention to allocate a significant part of the funds raised to finance the exceptional expenses incurred in its fight against the health and socio-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Key details of operations to date

Green / Social / Sustainability Bonds

Sustainability 2026


Sustainability 2034


Sustainability 2030


Sustainability 2034


Social 2040


Bloomberg ticker WALLOO 0 1/4 WALLOO 1 1/4 WALLOO 0 1/2 WALLOO 1 1/4 WALLOO 1.05
Nominal amount € 500 million € 500 million € 500 million € 200 million € 1 000 million
Transaction Date 25th April 2019 25th April 2019 1st April 2020 1st April 2020 28th May 2020
Maturity Date 3rd May 2026 3rd May 2034 8th April 2030 3rd May 2034 22nd June 2040
Coupon 0.250% 1.250% 0.500% 1.250% 1.050%
Rate (all-in) 0.382% 1.265% 0.540% 0.797% 1.118%
Spread versus OLO (all-in) OLO + 32.3 bp OLO + 37.6 bp OLO + 47.0 bp OLO + 50.0 bp OLO + 56.4 bp